hello are you wearing your socks ? if not put them on because im about to knock them off
this cool super groovy funky game lets you do everything and i mean everything you can take over the culinary world with its secrets....
today we are greeted by a menu that makes it apparent that the title of this game is a lie and that there is more than a thousand dishes to cook i am a chef nowhere near my prime but i am confident i will die before i complete half of them.
i chose to follow a random recipe and after 6 voice-activated-to-go-to-the-next-page-steps it was complete
my feeling of triumph after clicking through the steps of the recipe to complete it was quickly destroyed after the game issued me with a SECRET upon completion indicating that the finish line that was already far from sight had been an illusion all along and i was being mocked.
fear not as it is possible to get some use out of this creation even if you are culinarily declined; i am a chef after all so upon seeing that cheese has its separate section outside of the recipes and ingredients tabs i had to investigate
further investigations led me to an endless list of cheese which upon choosing can be investigated even more to find its soulmate wine pairing (every cheese has a wine pairing & every wine has a cheese pairing)
this funny little tool also allows you to create shopping lists from ingredients and recipes and check them off accordingly because every chef has to keep a ds handy in their pockets when they are grocery shopping

nutritional balance chart also included for all ingredients just in case somebody wants to see the potential consequences of eating bread with crusts removed