the stars have aligned and the chef has returned from a deep hibernation

he shuffles out of bed into his slippers and waddles into the kitchen. parched from his slumber he reaches for his nintendo ds and inserts his bartender ds cartridge.


today we are exploring a useful tool for those whose cookbooks lack the recipes for adult beverages. in a world of endless drinky pinkies how is one to decide what pinky you will drinky today?

as we enter the bar we are greeted with a daily recommendation


the drink is not without lore. our today drink has an origin story as well as a recipe list option & a favorite option if you are so inclined


if you notice we are given an image to the side of the first screen that indicates its style but unfortunately that does not mean its fashion sense and what umbrellas it likes to wear drinky2


the bartender decided that today our drink will be inspired by the ocean or the sea or maybe we just need a glass of water..


if you are still standing on your two feet after cuba libre you will find another menu screen that leads to more menu screens lets order a drink the chef will cover your tab

we discover from one of the next menus that you can find drinks by name and base. western liquor and color are also options for picky drinkers that will not drink any color that is not the shade "blue lagoon".


if that isn't your taste you can filter by keywords like sweets, constellation, female, or car surely we can find our flavorite drink out of 851 options.


order up!


we waddle onward and find cocktail trivia Q&A and drink recommendations from people who love cocktails but i haven't studied for the bartender ds pop quiz so they are a mystery to me.


let's ask the pixel people


anyway i have finished my three berries this is enough chitter chatter for one night.

